Tag Archives: Live Action

East Meets West: Spectatorship

Audience > Style / Mode of Animation

Suresh Eriyat, Founder of Eekasauraus Studios

‘We do a variety of work which is not limited to animation. A combination of live action and animation.’

Eriyat, 2015

Eriyat develops and selects the mode of animation and stylistic approach through what he views as the best fit for the brief. In this sense, spectatorship drives his studio and allows for his studio to master a variety of animation disciplines. From an industry perspective, this way of working is beneficial for advertising companies as the versatility leads to a broader set of options for how the brief could be executed.

Youtube.com. 2014. India is Polio Free!. [online] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsJnBpRPt3Q>

‘It is not a conscious decision to make our films look different. But it is a conscious decision to make every story stand out differently. And, whilst selecting the style which works perfectly for the brief and story, there is also this responsibility that I don’t want to show people something that we have done before.’ 

Eriyat, 2015


Audiences – How they differ? How South Animators adapt to their audiences. Whereas Westernised animators develop a stylistic, more aesthetic approach. Do South Asian animators adapt their artistic style and mode of animation for their audiences?